
The class of twenty-five will be divided into five groups with five members in each group. Each group will have of the following roles :

- Christian
- Hindu
- Buddhist
- Muslim
- Jew

Each religionist will read and browse the list of websites and make a short historical background of the religion. Each one will also need to complete the table below which summarizes the main teachings of each major world religion :

(Religion's Name)

Description of Doctrine
1. The Creator

2. The Golden Rule

3. True Love

4. The Truth in Many Path

5. Tolerance & Respect for all Religions

6. The Human Fall

7. The Immortal Soul

8. Universal Salvation

9. The Revealer of Truth

10. Cultivate the Good

11. Search for Knowledge

12. Eschatology & the Messiah

   Afterwards, each religionist will gather together and complete the final table which is to be included in the pamphlet. This table will now show a comparison of the main teachings of the five world religions. The group must be able to discuss and articulate with each other on the differences and similarities of each of their own religion but the focus should be more on building consensus, cooperation, understanding and tolerance among these religions. Finally, the group should also be able to come out with an original drawing which will show the concept of religious understanding and tolerance among the five religions.

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